Hello everyone! This will be a quick tutorial on how to install, run, and provide logs for the Minecraft performance profiler mod Spark. Spark is a performance profiler, made up of three main components:
Memory Inspection
Health Reporting
Spark can help to diagnose performance issues and bottlenecks with its built-in profiler, along with memory inspection. Spark also monitors and reports a number of key metrics which are useful for tracking performance over time. It is most useful to try and pinpoint what Minecraft mods may be lagging your server!
1. Adding Spark to your server
Simply head over to the Spark mod page, click on Downloads, and select the appropriate file for your server’s version and mod loader. For this demo server I am using 1.18.2, which is located at the bottom of the downloads page. For this mod you will only need to install it on the server, client side is not necessary.
Then, connect to your server via ftp client or a web client and upload the .jar you just downloaded into the server’s mod or plugins folder.
2. Start the server
With spark installed, now start the server. Play around a bit until you start experiencing the lag or performance issues you are trying to diagnose. After a minute or two, run the command:
/spark profiler open
This may take a few seconds. After it is done, it will print out a url into the Minecraft chat. Then open the chat with T or your assigned keybind and click on the URL with your cursor. This will prompt you to open the URL or copy it to a clipboard.
3. Provide support with the profiler link
If you open the URL and are quite confused by what you see – no worries. Simply make a support thread in the Campfire Hosting discord and our support team will be happy to inspect it for you.